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We often hear claims about supposed “wonder” products that can help or work on anything. I’m always skeptical. In this Cliganic USDA Organic Jojoba Oil review, I’ll tell you; it’s all it...
A concealer is a crucial tool in my makeup arsenal. I stumbled upon Instant Age Rewind Eraser Concealer in the search for a weapon against the bags under my eyes. Maybelline makes this creamy...
It’s a 10! Miracle Leave-in Plus Keratin Review: Worth the Hype? These days it's all about the protein. Shakes, diets, supplements, and even my hair are all currently benefiting from protein...
There are so many reasons to use a sunless tanner over a tanning booth. Wrinkles, skin cancer, dry skin, and freckles, to name a few. I have been using sunless tanner for many years while...
A hair waver tool is a great way to get that 'I just popped up out of the ocean after surfing all afternoon' look. If you're dying to have mermaid waves, but your hair type is more 'I got caught...
My clients have been asking about an at-home gel nail kit that works. I am happy to share a kit I'm confident in recommending because I trust the results. I have been using it at home and have used...